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The Dog Grapevine – Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Extract

When hearing Kahu respond to my concerns, this gives me even more hope my best friend’s picking up my vibe on the silent current. I can hear his mind go a mile a minute thinking up questions to ask the animal communicator: Is Bernard happy? Does Bernard like his new...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 36 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 36 Extract

Me and Otto continue our maneuvers every night without a hitch until dropping off the last batch of weed killer in the daylight mist after completing the entirety of our mission. We’re a few feet away from the Toxic Disposal Site when a jogger runs by and...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 33 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 33 Extract

Reporter Jane turns to her telly audience, “In his own words, a modest hero who deserves a lengthy interview as a special treat for our audience. Mastiff Bernard graciously struck a few poses that highlight the prowess of this unusual dog. And by the way, Kahu means...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 33 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 33 Extract

Ready for Larry’s arrival, I plant my Mastiff butt in the front yard and wait while glancing at the neighbors’ lawns. Every time I see a dandelion, it thrills me knowing one household has not given to killing weeds willy nilly and shortening the life span of the...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 32Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 32Extract

I study my duckling offspring to see if they possess the energy to meet their natural mother. They both stand next to my front paws waiting for me to move so they can trot beside me. As near as I can tell, this is their favorite activity and Mabel will just be window...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 31 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 31 Extract

When hearing a ruckus down the street where the two curs live with a skinny man who appears fragile and possibly paranoid, probably uneasy from housing noisy guard dogs. I hear a woman scream and not a second later, I’m out the front door and barreling down the street...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter  30 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 30 Extract

I got an idea Larry was none too happy nearly losing his new dog on the first day. Kahu forgot to tell him hounds will chase after any scent that appeals to them. If Larry could tune into the grapevine, I would have been up front about their tendency to run a mile in...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 29 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 29 Extract

This tired Mastiff and Otto have a lie down on the backyard blanket. Chihuahua Lola wants to know why she and her bloodhound brother Otto are the same color, what with their coming from different breeds. My head aches from her barrage of questions causing my thoughts...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 28 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 28 Extract

A few days of peace allow me and the duckling offspring to appreciate some quality time together. I help them improve their swimming skills and let them float among the leaves where the frogs sun themselves. They enjoy the heck out of drifting past me while peeping to...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 27 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 27 Extract

This one Mastiff excited over the possibility of finding Otto a permanent home. When hearing the sounds of a Harley on the street, the entire troop runs from the backyard to the front yard to greet Otto’s prospective dad and little sister. Larry’s wearing a tank top...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 25 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 25 Extract

Today is a warm grass day that makes this Mastiff want to fall asleep under the weeping willow tree hanging over the lily pond where the frogs sun themselves on the big round leaves. I groove on words for a few minutes while rubbing my back against the ground watching...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 24 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 24 Extract

The ducklings make themselves comfortable tucked in this Mastiff’s neck ruffles. I hop on the dog grapevine to talk to my bloodhound buddy, Otto. “Hey big guy, where you at?” “This ol’ hound bein’ treated like royalty here at the poleece station. Dispatcher Ralph, he...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 22 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 22 Extract

I set Lester and Bubba next to their water bowl. I know it’s going right through their tiny systems so hustle both the little ducklings outside to lounge on the blanket I carry from the porch. We lie together mostly looking at the sun shining through the leaves...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 23 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 23 Extract

Kahu lies down beside this big boy and strokes my back with tender loving care. I heard that phrase used on one of Kahu’s Spaghetti Westerns and liked the rhythm of the words and the meaning melts this Mastiff’s heart. It describes the way my Kahu feels...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 22 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 22 Extract

While easing myself into a peaceful respite on the big couch, Beauregard Eddington slips into an empty corner of my headspace left vacant of natural parents. Until hearing the name of a famous dad I never knew existed, I could not see him on the dog grapevine. He’s a...

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