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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 8 Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter 8 Extract

The dog grapevine allows me to talk endlessly to my dog buddies but disappoints me some knowing my Kahu can’t understand a word I’m saying, especially since I got this notion about wanting a prefix before my name instead of always being introduced as ‘this is my dog...

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The Dog Grapevine – Chapter Seven Extract

The Dog Grapevine – Chapter Seven Extract

Sometimes, I take a moment to look inside my interior to make sure my head space is not crowded with grandiose ideas, unkind thoughts and irritations at the idiocy of others, and whether or not I’m making a difference in the world at large or am I a worthless...

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The Dog Grapevine – An Extract

The Dog Grapevine – An Extract

The dog grapevine allows me and my buddies to talk endlessly but disappoints me some knowing my Kahu can’t understand a word I’m saying, especially since I got this notion about wanting a prefix before my name instead of always being introduced as ‘this is my dog...

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The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 4

The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 4

I spend time trying to behave myself and then stop a minute and wonder why I waste a brain cell to please a human. I’m a bear of a dog weighing two-hundred pounds, more than my own Kahu’s lanky frame. Just for fun, I pull him to the floor and wrestle, gentle like, so...

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The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 3

The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 3

Kahu and I enjoy lounging on a bench in the neighborhood park where all the dog people go, along with lovers intertwined on their beach blankets oblivious to those of us who believe in discretion. Even Kahu stares at them with curiosity, probably wondering why they...

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The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 2

The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 2

Kahu and I sleep together on a large memory foam mattress. He doesn’t seem to mind I take up more space than his skinny body that lays as straight as a barn plank while my legs remain akimbo and twitch on occasion from chasing a rabbit down its hole, all taking place...

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The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 1

The Dog Grapevine: Chapter 1

My sacred guardian, Kahu, calls me Bernard and my dog friends call me Dawg with a capital D. I hang on the dog grapevine most days, which I admit is not much different than humans staring at their cell phones like they’re some kinda lifeline. For instance, when...

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The Dog Grapevine

The Dog Grapevine

My Kahu calls me Bernard but most of my dog friends call me Big Dawg with a capital D. I can be found hanging on the dog grapevine most days, which I admit is not much different than humans staring at their cell phones like they’re some kinda lifeline. For instance,...

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The Life I Would Like to Live

The Life I Would Like to Live

The unpleasant words of others often bang against my good time and cause exasperation only a court jester could assuage. We open our doors to personal trainers and massage therapists. Why not let in someone who will lift our spirits on a bad day? Even while...

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Marines Don’t Raise Stupid Kids

Marines Don’t Raise Stupid Kids

My heroic Marine Corp Dad continued to reinforce living an earth-bound life a reality full of harrowing moments punctuated by an ingrained compassion for a man who spent his young life fighting in the South Pacific and when finished was sent to help clean up Hiroshima...

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Looking Back

Looking Back

My early grades were spent in a three-room school learning from teachers who never went to college. It proved a challenge for them to keep up with me. Either my mouth questioned their dithery interpretations of our tattered textbooks, or I got to work writing...

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The Man Across The Hall

The Man Across The Hall

All the houses where I have lived disappeared along with the husbands who were once a delicate dream of expectations. Now, my cozy terrarium apartment full of plants and animals enliven my life with their happy faces and boundless love. Even the flowers smile when I...

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Sad Recollections

Sad Recollections

Betty June and I sit in a coffee shop hunkered over our lattes and talk about the Vietnam Conflict and all the young people we lost. Guilt racked us both for not fighting alongside our peers. We knew it was a government war and growing up in the Hills we had little...

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Saving Lily Rose

Saving Lily Rose

Sometimes, I recall all the dogs who have drifted through my life like angels sent from heaven to lift my spirits and give me somebody to love. Several revelations occurred while caught up in pondering so intense it brought them back to life. I could feel the warmth...

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The Company of the Saints

The Company of the Saints

When a child, I often sat with my eyes closed in stillness on the bank of Dismal Creek waiting for God to call me back to my real home. Occasionally, my brother would stumble across me sitting there optimistic our Creator would be yanking me back any second. Nothing...

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