This one Mastiff excited over the possibility of finding Otto a permanent home. When hearing the sounds of a Harley on the street, the entire troop runs from the backyard to the front yard to greet Otto’s prospective dad and little sister. Larry’s wearing a tank top showing the rest of his tattoo collection decorating the biggest biceps I have ever seen. Lola pokes her head from the saddlebag and grins with happiness when seeing Yours Truly. Naturally, I reach for a treat in my knapsack and give it to her with my teeth. Larry hollers with glee over the sight of his tiny chihuahua sticking her head in a big dog’s mouth. When he sees the ducklings gathered at my feet, he lets out another whoop and bends to pick up the little mites who are so startled, they stop peeping and glance at their guardian to do something. I take them from Larry’s hands and plop them back in my knapsack where they decide it’s best to remain and let things happen without the need for input. All the while Kahu stands quietly on the sidelines in hopes Otto will leave his shyness behind and meet the man who may be feeding him for the rest of his life.
I can hear Otto’s thoughts worrying about drooling on Larry’s shoes ruining any chance of making a good impression. He lacks confidence in his appearance, especially after seeing the handsome squadron of German Shepherds at the precinct. He considers himself nothing but a down-home dog without the impressive training and personal care hygiene apparent when seeing the Elite Canine Unit. He worries Larry being a fine specimen of a human will think bloodhounds might not make the best choices for house dogs.
The second Larry’s eyes land on the big hound sitting in the background, he lets out a holler of wonderment. “What we got here? Another good-lookin’ boy with the perttiest eyes this feller ever seed. Yer sure a handsome sight. Come on here boy and give yer new daddy a hug.” Larry wraps his arms around Otto and before you know it, the two are enjoying a hug fest the likes of which me and Kahu have never seen. Larry twirls his new dog around and presses his head against the confused bloodhound who takes his time relaxing into the idea of being accepted for the sniffer dog everybody wants to save them, but nobody wants living in their house. The biker is the answer to Otto’s prayers and even his words sound familiar to his ears, what with both coming from a holler in the Southern Hills.