When hearing Kahu respond to my concerns, this gives me even more hope my best friend’s picking up my vibe on the silent current. I can hear his mind go a mile a minute thinking up questions to ask the animal communicator: Is Bernard happy? Does Bernard like his new food? Does Bernard know I love him? All this touches my heart and if I were given to girlie emotions, I might squeeze out a tear or two. The Divine Dog whispers into the ethers assuring him the sun rises and sets on ‘my one and only’ and yes, I’m finding my new diet passable, yes, I’m happy and if I weren’t happy, I would express my displeasure. All this should be obvious to Kahu, but I notice when it comes to what they call love, humans don’t believe anyone could love them unconditionally. Says a lot about the state of their inner life. It appears to be lacking what with the number of trees they cut down in a year to clear land for growing cows they’re going to slaughter for food instead of being happy with the plant life. Maybe Kahu and his vegan friends elevated themselves by choosing not to harm any living being. A moment of guilt presses on my mind and then disappears when hearing the words, “Wanna go to bed?”
I waste no time crawling underneath the covers and laying my head on the big pillow after throwing the itty-bitty pillows on the floor. Kahu does the same and soon we’re snuggling together happy in our safe zone where nothing can interfere with our peace of mind. Yes, even us big dogs need a safe zone, especially the ones like Yours Truly who spent his first year behind a barbed wire fence along with other Mastiffs stamped ‘return to sender’. Most of us found ourselves with a group of forlorn adolescents due to our ability to double the food bill of a family of four. Usually, the first thing a human asked when choosing their cherished pet is, “How big does he get?” But not in our case, and so we got ourselves sent to the Mastiff Rescue Facility where we learn to smile a lot, shake hands, and act like we got manners to fit nicely with any family who has space and enough money to keep us fed. Kahu may be a vegan but he’s a cut above the fray coming for a Sunday afternoon gander at the rejects, which caused our spirits to sag and the saliva to drip on their tidy shoes. Not exactly a selling point but anxiety has a way of turning on the wet glands of your average nervous wreck confused over what he did wrong to lose the human family who thought it was a good idea to own a prestigious dog breed until discovering the amount of food it takes to feed your average Mastiff.