Reporter Jane turns to her telly audience, “In his own words, a modest hero who deserves a lengthy interview as a special treat for our audience. Mastiff Bernard graciously struck a few poses that highlight the prowess of this unusual dog. And by the way, Kahu means sacred guardian in Hawaiian, which nearly brought this reporter to her knees in gratitude. We are blessed to have dogs living among us.” Jane and Alice disappear from the screen and then up pops Yours Truly showing off like something in a circus act.
Kahu and Larry applaud while Otto howls like a bloodhound and Lola yaps a few times. Larry says, “I think this deserves another piece of blueberry pie for all of you hounds. Thank you, big boy.” Larry throws himself on top of me along with Otto and we wrestle to the floor like jungle animals allowing this boy to forget his antics were plastered all over the news. We stop suddenly, when Jane returns and says my video clip has been broadcasted nationwide and goes on to chatter about how the station wants permission to interview Mastiff Bernard with the help of his animal communicator Dr. Alice Hanigan who is known for her police force work with the City’s Elite Canine Unit.
Unless they come here and visit with me and Kahu, I don’t see the point of going to a studio in an artificial setting with Yours Truly running at the mouth on what it’s like to be a dog hero. Of course, my translator Alice would have to be there, too, which would probably be followed by her trying to charm Kahu into doing something against his will. It would be more entertaining for their audience to visit our home where they can be introduced to Bubba and Lester, possibly Otto if he’s here. I heard something about Larry needing us to dog sit his brood while he’s on a business trip. Hard to believe Larry the biker takes business trips, but then I didn’t know he owned Kahu’s favorite restaurant until recently. I thought he and the other bikers enjoyed a healthy bowl of beans and rice at the end of a good ride. Learn something new every day.