Tiny Stories

Elderly, an unnecessary word

Elderly, an unnecessary word

I am rambling through life enjoying a lovely day thinking it’s going to last forever and then suddenly my neighbor stops me to tell me her woes. These woes begin with a litany of complaints over her sagging health. Meanwhile, I’m bent over a daisy growing between the...



Obscurity allows a writer the freedom to let go of the words so they can dance upon the pages with abandonment. They can describe places I have never been and people I have never met, people waiting for me to give them life with a metaphorical pen and an imagination...

Fools & Naked People

Fools & Naked People

I still wonder where my imaginary life ends and my real life begins or do they overlap. Am I unable to distinguish between the figments and the fools annoying my nerves to the point I pretend they aren’t real? The other day I saw a woman dancing naked in the outdoor...

My Reality

My Reality

Recently, I noticed the view I have of myself often differs from other people’s view of me. I even ask them to expound on what they are using as a criteria for judging me as being out of sync with their reality of me. Often these people lose their ability to...

Replacement Parts

Replacement Parts

Recently, I discovered romance can be even more perilous at seventy than at twenty. I made this discovery vicariously through watching my neighbor Tammy become excited over what she calls her good-looking prospect. I wondered what prospects a seventy-five year old man...

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